Thursday, September 2, 2010

Pending and Current Storminess

Apparently we are battening down the hatches for some crazy weather starting tomorrow night. There could be 60 mile an hour winds and 3 inches of rain! Hopefully, it won't start until I get home from work tomorrow afternoon and will end before I have to be up for work on Saturday. But it should be fun to watch a crazy storm.

My credit card account went all bizarre with balances transferring and weird charges and I couldn't tell what was going on. When I went online, I found out that they had upgraded my account and had switched it to a whole new card number. Now I can't get my Microsoft Money account ledger to balance and have no idea what's going on. The customer service guy said it was a good thing and I wasn't being charged anything additional but I can't make heads nor tails of it. I spent way too much money moving and can't wait to catch up and pay down my credit card. HATE how big my balance got so fast.

The new home is still getting there. I need more shelving and an Entertainment Center. But the cats love it and it's a great location. I'm close to so much fun stuff. The job is definitely a huge undertaking but such an amazing opportunity. I am a little homesick but am still glad I came.

Goals include: Fostering a Captain Picard Attitude at work, eating healthy and getting enough sleep, getting a budget back on track and paying off credit card debt ASAP.


  1. 1. I love the new layout.
    2. Love the Picard idea. But you should've closed this entry with his classic line.. "Engage!" or "Make it so!"

  2. Picard practice on the cats this weekend :-)
