Thursday, May 20, 2010

Follicular Trauma

Well, my haircut was so traumatic that I had to eat an ice cream sandwich. And then I remembered (my mom reminded me) that every haircut I get is traumatic because I so thoroughly hate my hair. I always think "Maybe this will be the time she'll spin me around to look in the mirror and I will look smart, sexy, professional, confident, prompt..." I suppose that is a lot to expect of a haircut. But a girl can hope.

But sadly, it never is. Even poor Michele, my stylist, looked defeated. She was was trying to stay positive and actually said "So you just keep scrunching like this and it will look like....a big frizzy mess. Ok, let's try something else." So she then tries using a round brush with the blow dryer. And this is how I know my hair is hopeless: It actually attempted Seppuku mid-style, by leaping into the vent of the hair dryer. Michele and another stylist had to unwind my hair from the fan.

It wasn't Michele's fault. I was a difficult canvas to work with. I love the color and we'll see what happens tomorrow when I wash it and attempt some scrunching with wave-boosting mouse. At the very least, I tried something completely new and I did get to have a glass of wine at the salon and hang out with all the rich cougars in Greenville. That was pretty fun.

But now I know for sure, I can go to Supercuts and pay $12 bucks for a haircut I will love/hate just as much.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Wake-up Call

Some unpacking from today:

  1. I drank way too much soda, not enough water
  2. I got a lot done at work, making me feel really useful for the first time since I started
  3. I sang on-the-spot at choir practice that, while on the edge of terror and humiliation, actually sounded pretty good
  4. I have not gotten home before 8:30 a single night this week
  5. Payday on the 15th and the last day of the month can really suck on a paycheck to paycheck kind of month
  6. Spending money thoughtlessly catches up with you very quickly
  7. If I don't make time to workout everyday, I lose some of the strength I have gained immediately, which just makes it harder to restart
  8. Hurting someones feelings just all around sucks, no matter the intention
  9. You can't pin all your plans and hopes on potentiality, sometimes the present reality must rule
  10. The heart wants what the heart wants
  11. Losing weight is awesome...until you have no pants or bras that fit and no wardrobe replacement budget
  12. Kitty sneezing fits are adorable
  13. I have less than 2 months to make a decision about where I'm going to live after August
  14. Music is healing
  15. Planning downtime to recharge is necessary