This was something a 4- year old I met this weekend said I was. It was very super cute. She actually helped restore some of my belief that children can be sweet and well adjusted and normal. What a sweetheart!
Today, after feeling in the diet doldrums, I had to go to Rita's for some sugar-free water ice. There was a pretty long line, but I decided that it was worth it. I was very annoyed at the number of people that, instead of parking in the parking lot that was all of 15 feet away, PULLED OVER in the fire lane and parked right in front of the store. Is it that walking that 15 feet from a parking space to wait in line for frozen calories would be too much? It was just a very slothful thing to witness. Fortunately, I was uplifted by the hundreds of people out walking and playing at Glasgow Park yesterday. Our country really needs to get it's priorities in line!
I would normally never get cherry, but that was the sugar-free flavor. As it turns out, it was sooo yummy and reminded me of summers at the pool at our apartment when I was really little. Nice memories.
15 measly pounds to go to get to my goal weight. Then my plan is to get a new tattoo to celebrate!! I'll be taking suggestions!
Love the photo! And you should really hop a flight and come tag along with me if you need your faith in good kids restored.. for every slightly perturbing little one we get at SeaWorld there's at least three melt-your-heart adorable ones walking around saying lovely things. Like six year olds declaring: "Manatees are called sea cows cause they eat their vegetables!" Or five year olds: "Miss Sarah, I can speak octopus! (Kissing like noises follow.) That's the sound their arms make cause of the suckers!"
ReplyDeleteOh kids. ;)